Article 4 :To achieve this goal, the means of action of LLACI Association are:
Managing our website hosted from Canada to let the world know us better.
The organization of lectures and workshops to debate open up to the outside world
Partnering with national and international organizations and institutions that share the same goals.


Article 6 : the LLACI is open to any individual wanting to help in the pursuit of the goal of defending the rights of lesbians and bisexual people of Côte d'Ivoire and / or assistance on any of the means of action provided for Article 4.


Article 7 : Can not be anyone LLACI member of a militant political party or group, or club support a personality whatsoever or even worse homophobic constipated.


Article 8 :LLACI includes benefactors and active members.
Benefactor is natural or legal person who, without adhering to the LLACI, paid him or makes him important services and is authorized by the Executive Board to attend meetings in an advisory capacity member.
Is anyone physically active member that joined the LLACI and is current on his dues.